The Enlightened Bite with Sheila T 

Come with your lunch and join us virtually for a lively training and light mastermind and Q & A after!

In This Atypical Lunch & Learn...

We get real! Actionable advice & tools that you implement over the quarter and come back next quarter for the next shift...

🔷   This quarter we’re talking Goals. And, it’s likely not what you’d expect. Learn how to put goals in place that you’ll attain, are in alignment with you, and are realistic enough so you don’t blow them off.


🔷  Come on in and listen; stay and noodle with others in the training and ask questions (or just come and listen, learn, and leave!).


🔷  It's no strings attached. Not just no cost, but no sell. Actionable training to implement in your business and brainstorm with others.

Are you tired of attending endless free masterclasses only to be sold the entire time?! 🤯

Me too!  I mean, I'm fine with the ask at the end or even a couple of times - but the entire thing?! 🤥  Just No. I believe in the power of giving back and truly bringing together a group of like minded individuals to learn together and noodle those thoughts and ask a question or two (or six!).  We all have something to offer one another and multiple brains are better than one and way more fun!

This is the un-mastermind!  In that we're coming together for actionable business advice and tools and sharing a meal, while also sharing thoughts and what you are going to do to implement what your learned until our next Enlightened Bite! 

You actually don't want to miss this...

So come join us - it's free, complimentary, costless, gratis!  You do however, have to feed yourself 😁 and share your awesomeness with the group (and only if you want to, although we will be sad if you keep it all to yourself!)


The Enlightened Bite meets only once a quarter and packs a punch with actionable tools to bring to next quarter and move your business forward!  And, you won't be sold the entire time (or at all) - promise!